Friday Flashback Linky: Place Value & Animal Classification Groups

Today is the last day to enter my Weekend Wishlist Giveaway for the fabulous Maggie Tote!  The winner will be announced tomorrow morning!

Let's link up to share what happened in our classrooms this week.  Me first! :)

In math, we are working on our place value unit.  Students practiced writing expanded form by playing "Bull's Eye" using a target and paperclips.  They wrote their scores in expanded form (ex. 100+30+2=132).
Students are also learning to write numbers in word form.  To make sure they are mastering the spelling of these words, we made flashcards and "Mastery Pockets."  We'll save these to use for MANY activities this year!  Here's how to make a "Mastery Pocket":

Step 1:
Take a 2-pocket folder.  Cut a semi-circle shape ABOVE the inside pockets.
Step 2:
Cut down the fold along the white semi-circles (in pic above) so it creates two flaps.  Fold flaps down.
Step 3:
Use velcro dots to secure flaps down so that they create pockets that can open and close.  I got these Velcro mini-dots that worked PERFECTLY at Wal-Mart in the craft section.
Step 4:
Print labels that say "Practice" and "Mastered" to go on each pocket.  You can download mine here!
Voila!  Now you have a cheap, easy solution to storing flashcards that students are using to master skills.  And, students LOVE being able to move cards from the "practice" pocket to the "mastered" pocket!  They also love to decorate them and make them their own. ;)
In science, we're still learning about animals.  This week we finished up learning about all of the animal classification groups.  Students created flipbooks to help them remember the characteristics of the different animal groups.  I love using different textures to represent the animals' body coverings!
Mammals - fur fabric from a craft store to represent hair/fur
Reptiles - onion sack to represent scales
Amphibians - wax paper to represent smooth, moist skin
Birds - craft feather to represent feathers
Fish - onion sack to represent scales
Insects - a piece from a hard plastic 3-ringed folder to represent an exoskeleton
Inside they wrote examples of animals that would belong in each group and characteristics of that group.
(Animal Groups Flipbook from Teacher's Clubhouse

I ended my week by taking one of my SWEET students to Frankie's Fun Park for putt-putt, bowling, and games!  She won a date with me from the silent auction at our school's carnival.  It was a fun time and a perfect ending to the week!  She won over 2,000 tickets and insisted on buying me something with them - a Gamecock Hello Kitty!  I'm pretty sure it's going to bring my Cocks good luck tomorrow...maybe I'll take it to the game -ha!  Gotta love those sweet students! ;)
What happened in your classroom this week?


  1. Oh my goodness I love everything you did this week! I can't wait to create the pockets, so so many great reasons to have them!!!

    :) Nicole
    Tadpole Tidbits

  2. I love your animal classification flapbooks! What an amazing idea. I think I just might have to do this with each region of the Northwest Native Americans. You're the best! Thank you for the inspiration.


  3. Great use of a pocket folder! And, I love the texture flipbooks! Great job, Amanda!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  4. I LOVE your modified folder... I have ton of these from when Staples used to have the 1 cent folders. What a great idea!!

    We're about to study animal classification in class next week. I hope you don't mind, but I have to use your idea. Fabulous visual!

    I've been blogging about my week if you want to go check it out!


    Sliding Into First

  5. Oh... and I'm not sure how to do this link party, but I will put your linky picture on my page. Let me know if that isn't what I am supposed to do... I am new at this!

    Sliding Into First

  6. I love the "Mastery Pocket"! Brilliant! I will be making these soon! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Rhiannon,
    That is exactly what you should do! Then, come back to this page and "Add Your Link" button right above my signature in this post to add your site to this page so that others can find your post to visit! Thanks for linking up! ;)

  8. Hi Amanda! what a great idea for flashcards and I love your animal classification flip book!

    Thank you for having another Friday flashback, I love to see all of the wonderful things you do in your classroom!

  9. Hi Amanda! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your place value ideas! I may be borrowing them for my own classroom. I am now a follower!

    The Reinspired Teacher

  10. I have so many extra folders that I can use this idea with. The possibilities of how I can use them now are unlimited.

    Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium

  11. Thanks for hosting this linky party - so fun! It's such a great way to reflect on what worked (and what didn't!) in the classroom this week, as well as connect to other teachers and experience life in their rooms.

    I'm a new blogger and look forward to linking up again next Friday!

    Joy in the Journey

  12. Love, love, love the mastery pockets!

    The Balanced Classroom

  13. Thanks so much for the pocket folder idea! I love staying organized in the classroom and this will help a lot. :)

    from Well, Michelle?

  14. Yay, love new awesome ideas! I'm going to use this for my babies who are TERRIBLE spellers. We'll put in their high frequency words and can move them when they master them. I can think of one in particular who this might have a tremendous effect on.


Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing ideas! I love to read your comments. I like to reply back by email, so make sure you have that option enabled so we can chat! :)

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