It's Wednesday!! One of my favorite days...half way through the work week and time to showcase another fabulous Budding Blogger!
Hello everyone! I'm so excited to be featured on Amanda's blog as a Budding Blogger! Yay!
My name is Janet and my blog's name is Mrs. D's Firsties.
Personal Info:
I have been married to my wonderful husband for a little over 4 years. We have the sweetest dog named Tobey. My dog is like my baby. We don't have any human kids (yet)!
I love watching TV and shopping (at Target). I walk into Target for one thing and end up spending $80... never fails.
What grade do you teach?
1st grade!!
How long have you taught?
I've been teaching for 7 years and I've spent 5 of those years in 1st grade. I belong in 1st grade for sure. I just love the age because they come in so needy and dependent and leave so independent. LOVE.
What is your favorite subject to teach?
I love teaching Science and Math. I feel like Science and Math are so interesting and can be made really "hands-on" and fun.
What would we see if we popped into your room unannounced?
You'd see some Whole Brain Teaching (amazing) and you'd see 22 little, kind kiddos that are actively engaged (most of the time...). You'd also see a lot of green. I think green is super calming and my theme is bugs (and green). I like things orderly and organized.. so hopefully you'd see a tidy classroom, too!
What gets you through one of "those" days?
Seltzer water... or some kind of carbonation. I'll drink a diet pop if I'm in a pinch but, boy do I love my club soda!
What is your "can't live without" teaching resource?
I can't live without Whole Brain Teaching this year. The "Class! Yes!" is an incredible way to capture everyone's attention... especially because they love saying it in goofy ways. The scoreboard has worked miracles in my classroom. Also, my class is SO anti-guff... which has helped me with my one defiant fella. He has been so great since his classmates asked him to "please stop" giving guff. :)
Give us a glimpse of your teaching style:
I try to make everything as engaging and hands-on as I can. I like the students to be up, doing, and learning. I have a Promethean board and love to create engaging flipcharts where the kids can come up to drag, write, erase, and highlight. I also love to use the ActivExpressions (we call them "voters") for my tests and quizzes. My last Science test was given completely on the voters and the kids did AMAZING! They love to use them because they are like little cell phones... who wouldn't want to use that?
What is one of your blogging goals for the year?
Honestly, I want more followers! ;) But, in all seriousness, I want to write interesting, informative posts. I want to start putting more pictures up of what we are doing in the classroom. I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures and I'm even worse at remembering to put them in my posts!
Thanks for reading all about me!
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