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Day 5: Electronic Talk Bar
Day 6: Purple Cow Laminator
Now, on to....
Hi! My name is Melissa Dalton and I blog over at...
Personal info (state/family/pets/interests): I live near Richmond, VA with my hubby, almost 1 year old son, Keagan, and two hound "puppies" - John and Rudy. Yes, they are people names, and yes, I'm okay with that. They act like people, too!
Grade You Teach: Title I Reading Specialist for grades 3-5
How long have you taught? This is my 7th year teaching, although it's only my first year in this position. I spent one (and ONLY one) year in first grade before I high-tailed it out and moved on to 4th (my true love). At the very end of last year, my principal pulled me into his office and said he needed to move me. I had the choice of 5th grade (learning an entirely new curriculum and having to give FIVE SOL tests or moving into this position.) I decided maybe not having to grade papers and have the same kids all day every day wouldn't be such a bad trade off. I'm really starting to like it a lot!
What is your favorite subject to teach? Funny, it's not actually reading. I LOVE math and it's one thing I really miss in this new position. If I had been able to find a math specialist program for grad school, I would have jumped on it in a heartbeat.
What would we likely see if we popped into your classroom unannounced? If you found me in the room (I spend half of my day pushing in), I would either be reading with or to the kids, or you would see them doing review centers. Oh, or if you caught me at the end of a session, we may be dancing. I love doing brain breaks with the kids!
What gets you through one of “those” days? Remembering that I only have them for 30-45 minutes, and maybe centers if I just can't handle the stress.
What is one “can’t live without” teaching resource? Now that I've discovered it? Definitely TPT. I can spend HOURS on there looking for resources to use in my classroom!
Give us a glimpse of your teaching style by sharing a brief summary of a favorite classroom activity/project. I love story telling, and if I can get the kids writing at the same time, even better! For Halloween, I always tell my students that they're pumpkins in my pumpkin patch and I'm looking for a jack-o-lantern. They have to write a persuasive argument telling me why I shouldn't choose them. I get a kick out of reading what they put! I always choose the most horrible one (the one I would absolutely NOT carve), and I would publish it in my newsletter. I wish I had pictures to share...
What is one of your blogging goals for this year? I definitely want to surpass 100 followers (not too far away right now), but then I also would love to become more technology savvy. I want to make my own blog design and even host a linky party. I love participating in them and think it would be lots of fun to start my own!
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to visit Melissa and help her reach one of her goals! :) Just click her button below.
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to visit Melissa and help her reach one of her goals! :) Just click her button below.
Thanks so much for the giftcard! I'm hoping to put it to good use on an IPad...if I get my Christmas wish! :-)
Thanks for introducing us to Melissa! I love your Budding Bloggers Showcases.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Tina! So glad to hear that you're enjoying this series. :)