I'm thrilled to be sharing a blog from not only a fellow South Carolinian today (we really do need next year's meet up to be in Charleston!), but also an old school girl! Who knew there were so many of us from the SGTC in the blogging world now??? Read on to find out more about Rachel....and then go show her some love over at her blog!
Hey y'all! I'm Rachel from A Tall Drink of Water! I'm so excited to be a part of Amanda's Budding Blogger Showcase! I've been a stalker follower of Amanda's since back in the day on the Second Grade Teachers' Club! Can I get a holla for old school teacher communities!
Like I said I'm from A Tall Drink of Water
My mom calls me that all.the.time! I'm 5'10'' barefoot.
Personal info:
I was born and raised right here in South Carolina! (Part of the reason I became a huge Amanda fan!) I'm on the coastal side of the state in good ol' Charleston!
It's a beautiful place to live!
I'm the Aunt to these 3 cuties!! Can I tell you that being an aunt is the best thing ever!

I'm the mom to these 2 furbabies!

I teach 3rd Grade. I've been teaching for 10 years and have taught many different grade levels which include 2nd, 4th, 5th, and a year teaching computers! I'd have to say teaching 2nd and 3rd grade are by far my favorite grades! Although, I've been itching to try first. Maybe I'm crazy!
Favorite Subject:
My favorite subject to teach is math! I think mostly because I hated math when I was growing up and I don't want kids to feel the same way about it as I did. I'm team teaching for the first time this year and I'm loving it! I love being able to focus on certain subjects.
In my room:
If you were to stop by our room, you would definitely see kids all over the place! I love teaching in a small group setting! I feel like you can get to know students as individual learners so much easier. Especially now that I have twice as many kids!
One of “those” days:
What gets me through those days?!? Chocolate and a Diet Soda! My teammate keeps the chocolate and change on hand for just these occasions! Because as we all know, "those" days are never planned!
“Can’t live without”:
Ok...this is probably silly, but I feel like I couldn't possibly live without Pinterest! Y'all! It's my go to for lesson ideas! Sometimes just the picture can spark an idea, but most of the time it leads me to other teachers' blogs and Teacher Pay Teacher stores!
Classroom activity/project:
I love making crafts so I try to include them as often as I can. Some of my favorite lessons include a craft of some sort that sneaks in learning! Don't you love when that happens?!
Blogging goals:
I started my little ol' blog back in 2011. I didn't start out as a teaching blog. Honestly, teaching blogs weren't that big back then. Then this summer I decided to start sharing what I love most...which is teaching. Since then, I've had nothing but success! I love sharing and learning from other teachers. I love the friendships I'm making through this process. I've always had the goal of blogging once a week. I don't always make that goal, because life gets, well...busy. So my goal is to keep trucking along this journey!
Thanks for the chat! I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my little slice of blogland! And yes let's have the blogger meet up in Charleston! Although it won't matter to me where it is, cause I'm coming this year!