Bad Blogger!

I have been a very bad blogger this week!  I'm definitely going to have to work on finding the balance between working and blogging.  Hopefully things will settle down in a few weeks and that will help (I'm hopeful, anyway!)

This was a SUPER busy week with our "Meet The Teacher" on Monday.  I met all 18 of my new MonSTARS and let me tell you, they are ADORABLE!!  I loved every minute of it and was soooo happy that they loved their new classroom!  There were several "this is the best classroom ever!" comments, and even one little girl who asked her mom if she could decorate her bedroom like our classroom.  Melt.My.Heart!  That is exactly why I spent all summer crafting it up - worth every minute!

Tuesday was our last teacher workday and my birthday!  I worked hard all day long (even skipped lunch) so I could leave on time and celebrate with the hubs.  Guess what?  You know that stinky schedule that I vented about? The one where instructional time didn't start until 11:00??  The one that we were told would take an act of congress to change?  Well, the act of congress happened as I was about to walk out the door on Tuesday!!  At that point, I was already set to live with the initial know, it was printed, stuffed in folders, handed out to parents, etc. so the change was a little frustrating at that point, but I know it will be a GOOD CHANGE for the kiddos in the long run!  Now, we have time to teach everything in the morning before lunch, except for math!  YAY!  And, when I got home my husband had done it again....
Yep, that's 37 presents....I thought I was getting too old for this, but apparently not! He is so good! :)  And, I felt realllllly guilty when he casually mentioned that I have been snippy lately, but that he knew it was this time of year because I always get snippy when I'm stressed!  {talk about guilt}  It was a wonderful birthday evening though, and I was sure NOT to be snippy.  ;)

The next morning was the first day of school with my new little Mon-STARS!  I am soooo lucky to have a wonderful student teacher this year.  I don't know how I would have survived the first day of school "Painting Party" without her help!!!  Yes, there was paint everywhere, spilled cereal from our pinterest-inspired snack, and a little chaos, but I think the children enjoyed it!  And we now have cute, colorful canvases in the hall to display student work.
Jitter Juice and Trix Swirl Cereal topped with a cupcake
 Monster Paintings
 Students colored their names which were attached to clothespins to hold their work.

All in all, it was a fantastic first week.  I ALWAYS forget how much time is spent on teaching procedures.  I'm really looking forward to getting into our ROUTINE a little more next week!  I did implement several aspects of Whole Brain Teaching - LOVING the five rules with hand gestures, the scoreboard, teach-okay (this is my FAVORITE), switch, and mirror.  Next week I hope to incorporate Superspeed Math and some of the writing techniques.  I R-E-A-L-L-Y want to get to a WBT conference this year!!!  Why oh why can't we have worthwhile inservices like this????  But instead, I get to spend two hours in a Microsoft Office workshop next week (SERIOUSLY....even thought I teach technology courses for the district and have TAUGHT Office classes in the past!!!!!!)  My.BIGGEST.Pet.Peeve  *Sigh*

I definitely hope to post more this coming week, but I do have a meeting 4 out of 5 days (The first full week of school??? Yep!)  But hey, maybe I can multi-task during the Office inservice!


  1. So glad to hear you are having a great first week! I am supah impressed with your hubby! What an awesome way to spend your bday and make you feel special :) He's definitely a keeper! :) Hope your second week goes as awesome as your first! And I am not surprised your students loved your room, how could they not? You did a spectacular job! Glad it paid off :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  2. 1) I have been a bad blogger for the past few weeks! I keep reading them, but I haven't been able to summon to energy to write my own!

    2) Speaking of being a bad blogger... I promise I will email you my teacher blogger feature info soon! I have been slacking...

    3) Your husband rocks. What a fun way to give gifts!

    4) Your mon-star wall is AMAZING!

    EduKate and Inspire

  3. Glad you had such a great first week! I absolutely love the monster paintings! They are precious!

    Keep Calm & Imagine

  4. Oh yes....and Happy "late" Birthday! Sounds like it was a wonderful day...:) What a sweetheart!

    Keep Calm & Imagine

  5. Your classroom is definitely the best one ever! I would want to stay there all day. It's no wonder that girl wanted her bedroom like your classroom. Every time I go into Target and see those Monster water bottles I think of you.

    Wow you really have the best husband ever! Talk about love! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    Congrats on a great first day of school! Seems like you had such wonderful activities planned for them. The monster gallery turned out so adorable! Can't wait to hear more about your WBT and student teacher adventures.

    Be sure to check out my new blog! I am planning my first ever freebie tomorrow!
    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  6. I totally am on your side about finding balance with blogging and work. Seems like the beginning year there so much to do, even when you have prepared ahead of time during the Summer. I can't wait to get back to my normal routine where I don't get stuck after school until 6pm. Good luck with next week, and happy belated birthday!

  7. OMG, 37 gifts? GREATNESS!! Happy Bday.

    Did you outline the monsters on the canvas and have the kids paint them - or did they just freestyle paint?

    I was thinking about WBT, even watched the videos. But, I decided against it. My kids rotate between 3 of us throughout the day and I was the only one wanting to do WBT (the only one who had heard about it in fact) so in the name of "teamwork", I'm going to use the same ol' rules. Maybe next year I can convince my principal to look into it.

    There is nothing worse than an inservice that doesn't apply to you or your classroom.


  8. I must show my hubby this post. My bday was on the 20th and getting 36 presents would have been nice!
    Those monsters paintings are fabulous!!!!
    My Second Sense

  9. Your hubby is a great guy...and I don't even know him! The gallery turned out super cute! I want to be in your room...might do the Mon-star theme next year! Here's to a restful weekend ! Put your feet up! :)

    Teise's Tidbits

  10. Ummmm...ok...first off! WOW! What a nice hubby you have! I need to show this to my husband! LOL

    Happy Late Birthday!

    I know exactly what you mean about finding balance between work and blogging. It's going to be tough, but we and all do it! :)

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

  11. The canvases turned out great! Love them!! And, please, tell me where to find a guy like your husband!! So sweet! :)

    Miss R's Room

  12. What a sweet husband. Love your mon-star pics, paintings, and snacks.
    Great job!

  13. I was struggling this past week with the balance also. It is so hard to go from so much free time to SUPER busy!

    Glad your year is off to a great start and your pics are super cute! :)

  14. I've been bad too so don't feel guilty. I think we're all adjusting to the new routine. I finally posted pics of my class today.

    Happy belated Birthday! What a time that must have been opening all those gifts :)

    I love how the artwork turned out, too!

    Teach on a Limb

  15. Your hubby rocks!! Love your "Mon-Star" display! And you're not the only one who gets snippy with stress...FYI :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  16. The monster paintings came out so cute! Thank you for reminding me about WBT-I used to use some of those strategies and really liked them, will have to do a quick crash course and use them again this year. :)


  17. The kids drew their own monsters with a pencil on the canvas first. Then they painted them. The only paintbrushes I had were the "chubby" kid brushes, and the monsters were lacking detail. So, once they dried, I let them outline and add details to the paintings wish Sharpies.

  18. Happy (belated) Birthday! That's such a neat idea with the presents...I may have to do that for the Mister's next birthday! Love those paintings! Hope your able to breathe a little bit with all those meetings (maybe during Office workshop? :p

    ~ Mizz J
    Apple Blossoms

  19. Love the monsters! Happy belated birthday.

    room 4 imagination

  20. Love the "Mon Stars" canvases and the hall display! It is amazing! Enjoy the start of your year and thanks for sharing your passion and creativity with all of us!


  21. Happy Late Birthday!!! I love the monster paintings!!!!!


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