22 fabulous 2nd/3rd grade bloggers joined together to bundle units at a major discount for you. These aren't just ANY units either - the theme is "2013 Best Sellers." That means that each and every unit in this bundle has already been proven to be a HIT.
The best news? You can get them at a 78% savings!!! Say what? That's right! 22 units for just $29.99. That's just over $1 for an entire UNIT!! If purchased individually, these units would cost over $137!
The other thing that I love is the assortment. Since the theme is "Best Sellers" this bundle has something for every subject - reading, writing, math, social studies - it's there! Here's a sneak peek at what's included:
If I did my math right, you'll get almost 1,500 pages of teaching resources!! WOWZERS! My addition to this incredible pack is my best-selling Poetry Pizzazz Unit. I'll give you a closer look at what's included in that unit below...
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to buy this amazingly discounted bundle at Educents right now!! And, share this find with others so they can grab it, too! It's only there for a limited time!

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