Sundays in the South: Crazy Weather, Winner & a Sale!

My, oh my!  I am over this weather!  It is 50 degrees with record amounts of rainfall here. I feel like vampires may start popping out at any moment.  I'm pretty sure Forks is the only place that gets THIS much rain per day!  What happened to our 80 degree weather??  It is May!  In the South!

I need it to reappear ASAP! The hubs and I went out for our Sunday shopping trip today, but I didn't even get half the stuff on my list.  I couldn't take the cold, wet weather.  I could definitely be a California girl (no need to rub it in you Cali bloggers....I've been jealous of your poolside pics all week on Instagram!)

If you STILL haven't joined the Instagram bandwagon - do it!  Today!  You can follow along with the "Madden"ess by clicking below!

My little Gallopade giveaway ended yesterday and the winner is.....
I have sent you an email. :)


will both be participating in the BIG TpT sale!  This will be the last sale of the school year, so you will not want to miss out!  Go ahead and stock up for next year!  I know I'm not the only one thinking about next year already, right?!  *sigh* #theteacherlife


  1. I am so with you Amanda! This weather is so unlike SC weather. I don't know if I can take any more inside recess days!!!!!!!! There's hope for next weekend though! Have a great week!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  2. I live in Texas, and even though it is sunny today, it's cold!!! I don't like cold. I hope it warms up by Tuesday - outdoor field trip.
    Good Luck with the big sale!


  3. I am in NC and went on a girlfriend trip to Boone. Geeze! It was so cold and windy and rainy! I came back to Charlotte and it was a few degrees warmer but just as miserable. I am over it!

  4. This weather has been crazy here in SC, hasn't it? I am ready for some warmer weather. Remind me of that in July :)

    Loving Instagram! Going to make sure I'm following you.


    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I love that you compared your weather to Forks...I am a Twihard and if Edward is about to appear...I'd take the cold, wet, rainy weather! haha
    Pinkadots Elementary


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