I'm CURRENTLY obsessed with Instagram!

I should have linked up with Farley's CURRENTLY before now.  There's really no excuse.  Well, except for Instagram.

It's amazing that I've been on it for ever personally but never really used it much, but as soon as I created a "teacher" account - obsessed!!

LOVING everyone's photos!!

But, I finally got around to it....
Listening:  What can I say?  TV is always on in the background and it's often reality TV.  I do love a good fashion show - Project Runway, Fashion Star....I'm in!  Did you know that Amanda Valentine (on Project Runway this season) is sisters with Maroon 5's James Valentine?  Interesting tidbit there for you. :)

Loving:  I do not like to owe money.  Who does right?  I know, but seriously....it eats at me.  I do not own a major credit card (now, the hubs is a different story) and I pay my smaller ones off in the store usually.  Well, today I paid off my husband's car.  I bought it for him for his birthday a couple of years ago (his dream FJ Cruiser) and today I bit the bullet and paid it off.  I'm broke, but I'm car payment free!

Thinking:  Does anyone else DRAG this time of year??  At the beginning of the year I'm at school by 6:30 (our kids enter our rooms at 7:45), but at this time of year I am doing good to be there by 7:15.  I am draaaagggging!  Those early morning wakeups have piled on and I am ready to sleep until 7:00 am!  One more month.....I will make it!

Wanting:  A new shoe collection.  That's right.  Not a new pair, a whole new collection!  I don't think I really bought new shoes last spring so I'm in dire need!  I have a feeling we'll be shopping this weekend.  My husband has lost so much weight that he can't wear any of his pants, soooo.....if we go pants shopping, we'll probably pass by shoes, right?!  :)

Needing:  An entire week of sleep.  It seems like even on the weekends lately I've had to wake up early.  I need some serious catching up.  Unfortunately, I'm a night owl so going to bed early isn't really an option.  I can't wait until I can get on my summer schedule - bed at 1:00am and up at 8:00am - heaven!  Because let's face it - bed at 12:00am and up at 5:00am just isn't cutting it anymore!

Summer Bucket List:  Oh, I have BIG items on my "to-do" list for school units this summer, but I couldn't muster up the strength to even consider thinking about those right now.  So, my summer "Bucket List" will only have two things on it for now (until I'm forced to face the other things) -

1. Whole Brain Teaching Conference - Cannot WAIT to hit Louisiana with some of my best teaching friends for this conference and some FUN times!  We'll hit New Orleans before coming back home.  Woot! Woot!

2. Relaxation - I want more than just our family week at the beach this year.  Long weekends away with Mr. Madden.  Lots of books being read.  Days spent at mom's pool.  Relaxation!  (If I put it in writing maybe it will happen!) 

Don't forget to enter my Gallopade Giveaway that ends on Saturday!!  It's super easy to enter!


  1. Amanda-

    Your blog is so cute! I am glad I found you on the Linky! I am your newest follower :) Sounds like you deserve some shoes lady!! Congrats :)

    The Army Wife Teacher

  2. I am jealous you are headed to the WBT Conference. Hopefully that means you will post some tips for those of us that can't make it!


  3. I am obsessed with INSTAgram too... I even took an online class on how to take better pics with your phone and how to edit those pics with your phone and apps!!!

  4. I vote YES to the shoe collection! Some people collect thimbles, spoons, stamps...I'm with you! Shoes collections are very useful too-they don't sit in a cabinet or a page protected book! They make the outfit! :O) See, we can justify everything! Have fun this weekend!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. So I had NO clue there was a WBT conference in LA this summer. Is it too late to sign up? I googled it and not much came up. =(

    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

    1. I just found some info on this conference... is it really FREE? Is that even possible? hah!

  6. I love your blog! Found you through Farley's Currently. I'm your newest follower. The Whole Brain Teaching Conference sounds interesting. Happy May!

  7. I know what you mean with Instagram. Before I was like ho-hum, but with my teacher account I'm hooked! One thing that I'm wondering, I see people post pictures of what looks like blog buttons, for example, the post a daily picture challenges. Do you know how they do that? I'm trying to find how to repin it or something, but no luck.

    Fifth in the Middle

  8. I am also really dragging in the mornings! Between getting myself up and ready and my son, packing our breakfast and my lunch...I am pushing it lately!

  9. Obsessed with Instagram too...it's the cause of my late nights this week!

    For the Love of First Grade

  10. Yes to more shoes and more sleep! Summer is around the corner. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  11. Thanks for giving the tip about the WBT conference. I am thinking I need to find some friends to split the room with.


  12. I totally agree about more sleep - I feel myself dragging more and more each morning. My husband and children look at me in the morning and say aren't you leaving? since I keep pushing back the time I actually leave the house each day - by the last day I will be rolling in with the bell!!!!!

  13. The conference does sound like it will be a lot of fun-you will have to share if you get good ideas! I am dragging more now too. When I look at our sign-in sheet--Mondays I start out getting here pretty early, but each day the time gets later and later. That time of year I guess. :)


  14. Congrats on paying off your hubby's car! I'm slowly chipping away on my students loans and car loan. It feels so good to get one taken care of!

  15. I have been so busy lately I haven't even investigated InSTAGRAM...I haven't been reading blogs either, where is our time going??
    I wish I was cool like you and could be debt free...I have my car (7 more months I think)..plus a major card..so maybe I can do it? It's hard with only 1 income. but I'm proud of you!( it is hard!)
    Have fun in the Big Easy!


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