Here are 10 activities for your elementary classroom that are sure to engage your students in Halloween fun while still covering the topics and skills they need.
Your students will have fun following along with this video as they solve multi-step word problems and then do exercises that correlate to the answers. Fun holiday GIF characters lead them in their workouts!
Every teacher loves holiday read-alouds, right? After reading your favorite holiday books, let students complete these no-prep Halloween Pixel Art comprehension activities. As students answer questions about the book correctly, the picture will begin to reveal itself and students will be amazed!
With a pack full of digital games along with a directed drawing and origami craft, you will be SET for any downtime in the month of October. These activities are the perfect FUN fillers for those moments when you have 5 minutes to spare, or when it unexpectedly rains and you find yourself indoors for the day. Do yourself a favor and have these on standby this month!
This Halloween Breakout is the perfect activity to save for Halloween day (or week). This breakout is unique in that it uses a Google Form so students do not need Google Accounts. Just provide them the link and they solve problems and riddles to unlock 4 locks to BREAKOUT in time for trick-or-treating.
Flip the Decks are the digital versions of
Roam the Rooms - no matter which version you use, your students will love the ELA and Math practice with a Halloween twist!
How do you make writing more engaging for students? Add a digital photo booth with it, of course! Students will write about a haunted house and snap a selfie to use in their illustration where they will drag and drop Halloween props onto their photo. A student tutorial is included with this resources, so no worries if your students are inexperienced with Google Slides!
One of the best things about holidays at school are walking through the halls and looking at the displays! Your Halloween display will be set with these story response crafts! We've picked 5 of the best holiday read-alouds and created a short story response along with a student craft to go along with the books. These are perfect for parent volunteers and substitutes, too!
Glyphs are one of our favorite things to do with students. They're fun and engaging, require students to analyze data, help students get to know each other better, and leave you with a student created display. Win-win-win! These no-prep coloring glyphs are perfect for morning arrival time and center time, but also perfect to leave for a volunteer or sub!
These Google Slides drag and drop math fact activities are perfect for center time or independent practice. They are available in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division versions for differentiation in the classroom.
While these poems aren't exactly Halloween-themed, there is a bat poem included and well, we just think the 10 interactive activities included to complete with each poem is enough to keep any student engaged regardless of the topic! We think these are a must for every month of the year!
If you have suggestions for other Halloween activities you would like to see included in this list, drop a comment to let us know.
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