Blogger Meet Up - Come Join the Fun!

Just a quick post today to make sure everyone knows about the 

Katie from Queen of the First Grade Jungle and I are super excited about organizing this meet up!  If you teach in the Carolinas {or just want to visit the Carolinas!} come join us!  The meet up is open to everyone - bloggers or teachers!  

We plan to do lunch and a little hanging out - super casual.  What a fun way to end the summer with some great teacher friends!

If you are interested in coming you might want to join our Carolina Teacher Bloggers Facebook group where we share information.  If you're not on FB, you can comment on this post to let us know you're interested.  Hope to see you there, friends!


  1. If you are doing giveaways, I'd be more than happy to donate!

  2. I am starting a teaching blog and I would love to join your meet up blogging group.

  3. I'm interested, but most likely won't be able to make it. In the meantime, I requested to join your Carolina Bloggers FB group. Can't wait to connect with more local bloggers!


  4. I was needing the meet up place and time so I can make travel and hotel reservations. TY

    1. Saturday, August 8 at Leaf (downtown restaurant) in Charleston. If you're one Facecook find our group - Carolina Teacher Bloggers - to join! We share lots of into there. ;)


Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing ideas! I love to read your comments. I like to reply back by email, so make sure you have that option enabled so we can chat! :)

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