Assess Me Linky {Yes or No}

I'm linking up with Rachel from The Tattooed Teacher today for a fun little "get to know you" linky!

It's quick and easy...just like assessments should be! :)  This week is all about the yes/no questions.

Here's a peek at my assessment.....

Go link up with Rachel and complete your own Back-to-School assessment.


  1. When first read the questions I thought about how I wanted it to say "Hangry" instead of hungry! Why didn't I just change it?! lol

    Suzanna Padderatz
    Surprisingly Seventh

  2. My husband doesn't believe in the word hangry, makes me so angry. I am glad to see people who understands the pain and hardship of being hangry.

    Mrs. Ashline's Rules

  3. almost twinning...except NO GLASSES! You and my 80 year old dad are the only adults I know without them! hahaha!! Every time I look at your blog I"m more excited about Charleston!

  4. I love the hangry. I definitely get hangry too. I even told my husband when we were dating that if I start to get in a bad mood I probably need to eat. Thanks for sharing.
    @ Wiley Teaching

  5. Your answers are adorable! I am guilty of being hangry quite often. I also live in the same city and state I was born in! Love your blog design! So cute :)

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press

  6. HANGRY! hahaha LOVE. IT.

    I can't imagine living in the same state, much less city, that I was born and grew up in. We have moved 3 times in 6 years!! Sometimes, I miss my hometown though. It's a love/hate relationship with where I live now.

    Loved your assessment!

    Primary Polka Dots

  7. Your post made me laugh! Especially the double XX!!!


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