Five for Friday & Winners

I am BARELY squeezing this one in, bloggy friends....let me type quickly or it may turn into Five for Fraturday!!  First off...the winner of the new Addition Strategies Unit:
An email will be sent your way shortly!!

Now, for a peek at our week...

1) We started the week off by finishing up our "A Time I Was Hurt" Memoirs from my Memoirs Unit.  

2) Then we moved on to writing about "A Time I was Scared."  All of our memoirs tie-in with Patricia Polacco - LOVE HER!  Since this one tied-in with Thunder Cake, we baked our own thunder cake - in the crockpot, of course!  It's delicious...they begged me to send the recipe home to their parents.  You don't have to beg though, you can visit this post where I previously shared it to snatch it up. ;)

It's like a super-moist brownie!  I just scoop it out for them - add strawberries to the top for authenticity. :)

3) Speaking of all this writing going on, students got their own individual revising and editing checklists this week to start using to take their writing through the writing process on their own.  I heart when they learn to do this!  We're publishing now and I've got some new publishing resources in the works!
If you're interested in these checklists (which are perfect for differentiation), they're a part of our A Writer's Notebook Unit.

4) However it may look, we did not spend the entire week writing in our classroom.  We're still plugging away with fact fluency and reviewed fact families with our fact family butterflies.

5) This didn't really happen THIS week, but I forgot to post about it...and I was so excited about it!!  I have NEVER.  No NEVER.  Won a blog giveaway.  NEVER.  But, I kind of...sort of won one.  Well, I wasn't the winner, but the giveaway was so popular that I was a "backup" winner. 

I'll take it!  And, the best was a CLIP ART giveaway.  Hate me now.  Go ahead.  

I just discovered this clip artist because of her giveaway and I instantly fell in LOVE with her style.  So, when I won, I was over-the-moon-excited!!  I got to pick TEN - count them, TEN - of her clipart sets!!!! 

Heaven!  Who you ask?  Whimsy Workshop!  If you haven't visited Whimsy Workshop, go check her out now! :)

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  1. love love love how you REALLY made the cake and I fake made it LOL... your Time I was Hurt looks neat... I am going to go get a closer look at those.... super cute on a band aid

  2. Love your addition strategies unit and tried to buy it on tpt but couldn't find it. Can you direct me on where to find it? Thanks~

  3. I love that you made Thunder Cake in a crockpot--I would have never thought of that! :)



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