Hey y'all! I'm Kristin from My Carolina Classroom. Thanks for having me, Amanda!
I graduated from The University of Alabama with dual degrees in elementary education and special education. I moved to North Carolina a year ago and am loving it so far! I have recently begun blogging and creating TPT products, so I spend a lot of time on my couch with Netflix and my Macbook. When I'm not working, I enjoy exploring my new city, reading, exercising, watching football (roll tide), and hanging out with friends.
This will be my second year teaching and my second year in 2nd grade! I love 2nd grade; It's the perfect fit for me. Reading is my favorite subject to teach. I love teaching phonics, fluency, and comprehension. One of my favorite projects we did this year in reading was a book character "living wax museum." Students had to dress up and prepare a speech as their favorite book character. The whole school got to come through. It was a hit and the kids were great!!
If you were to pop into my classroom unannounced, you would most likely see kids on the floor working in pairs or groups and hear Kidz Bop playing via Pandora. In other words, you'd probably seemass organized chaos! My students do a lot of talking and moving. I believe that discussing a concept with a peer and/or teaching it to a friend leads to a deeper understanding. I believe that an elementary classroom should be a fun, semi-relaxed environment where students learn by doing, not by sitting silently all day long. In fact, I can't imagine teaching without using YouTube or TeacherTube. I use music and short videos in my classroom daily! I am thankful for all of those creative people that come up with catchy phonics, math, and science songs and dances!
Every teacher has those days, and I am no exception. A cold Coke and some candy from my treasure box can usually get me through. If it's one of THOSE days, I can always grab our fabulous 2nd grade assistant to help me save my sanity. I'm so thankful for the fabulous teacher community I have - both at my school and online - to support me daily! I hope to keep up with my blogging and creating throughout the next year to further immerse myself in this awesome community. Come by My Carolina Classroom anytime. "See" ya there!

This will be my second year teaching and my second year in 2nd grade! I love 2nd grade; It's the perfect fit for me. Reading is my favorite subject to teach. I love teaching phonics, fluency, and comprehension. One of my favorite projects we did this year in reading was a book character "living wax museum." Students had to dress up and prepare a speech as their favorite book character. The whole school got to come through. It was a hit and the kids were great!!
If you were to pop into my classroom unannounced, you would most likely see kids on the floor working in pairs or groups and hear Kidz Bop playing via Pandora. In other words, you'd probably see
Every teacher has those days, and I am no exception. A cold Coke and some candy from my treasure box can usually get me through. If it's one of THOSE days, I can always grab our fabulous 2nd grade assistant to help me save my sanity. I'm so thankful for the fabulous teacher community I have - both at my school and online - to support me daily! I hope to keep up with my blogging and creating throughout the next year to further immerse myself in this awesome community. Come by My Carolina Classroom anytime. "See" ya there!
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